Thursday, June 27, 2013

IDW Comics reopens the X-Files

Good news tonight from here in the Echo Chamber.

A while back, IDW Comics announced that they would begin publishing a series called The X-Files: Season 10.  Yes, it's old news but I'm just getting around to blogging about it.  Go figure.

I'm certain it comes as no surprise that I absolutely loved The X-Files...and I had quite the crush on Gillian Anderson.  Or maybe it was really Scully I was in love with?  Who knows? If I saw a magazine and Gillian was on the cover, it was coming home with me.  I mean it wasn't a weird, "celeb stalker" kind of thing where I was outside her house wearing night vision goggles, but you get what I mean.  But I digress...

Admittedly I checked out after David Duchovny left, but we'll let that go for the moment.  In my experience, comic book continuations of movies and TV series are at best a hit-or-miss game with ample opportunity for someone to commit lese majesty in relation to the fans.  I never tried the Topps X-Files series but from all accounts it's worth a look so I may need to track down back issues.  But I digress...

Upon hearing this announcement, I did not have the same trepidations that I typically do over such a series.  That's because IDW has a good pedigree.  They've done a fair job of adopting fan favorite properties such as G.I. Joe and the like.  Therefore, I'm willing to give them a go with one of my all-time beloved franchises.

My preliminary scan of Internet reviews seems to indicate that I won't be disappointed.  The new series reunites Mulder with Scully and picks up where the last movie left off.  Skinner finds the couple and tells reports that the FBI has been hacked and that "sensitive" information has been "compromised." That's when weird things start to happen (in The X-Files?  Shocker.)  Hooded figures and a very creepy little girl show up, it's just like old times.

It is obvious, however, that the writers at IDW opted not to go after the UFO mythos that the show was built upon.  Instead, the idea is to encapsulate a contemporary feeling of paranoia in relation to technology.  That's both good and bad in my opinion.  Good in that the creators are branching out and trying new things with both the characters and the setting.  Bad in that it has been so long since I've seen Mulder and Scully tackle mythos-oriented stories that I was really hoping to see it with this series.

I'm sure all I'll have to do is wait.
In the meantime, check this exquisite cover variant with Mulder's poster.

Follow me on Twitter: @Jntweets

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